Trade Pokemon you may have bred at the Day Care that don't quite fit your standards, or trade an extra uncommon or rare Pokemon you may have found. This held item data also exists for some Pokémon which cannot be caught in the wild in the final game, however, rendering these assignments unused.To make the Wonder Trade a better place, it's best if you do not trade low leveled common Pokemon you can get at the beginning of the game. Some Pokémon, when found in the wild, have a chance of holding an item. The only source of Berry Juice in any of the Generation III games would've been as a held item on wild Shuckle in FireRed and LeafGreen, but the event needed to make Shuckle appear in the wild was never released, so the item is effectively unused. While Safari Balls can be used in the Safari Zone, they do not appear in the player's Bag there and cannot be obtained elsewhere, rendering their description text unused. The remakes of Ruby and Sapphire, Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, introduced the similarly named battle weather mechanic of heavy rain (Japanese: 強 つよい 雨 あめ strong rain), triggered by Primal Kyogre's Primordial Sea Ability. Ruby and Sapphire added a related message meant to be displayed on each turn while downpour is in effect. The exact message still exists in Ruby, Sapphire, FireRed, LeafGreen, Emerald, Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, and SoulSilver to be used when the battle weather type is set to downpour, which never occurs it was removed in Black and White. In Gold, Silver, and Crystal, whenever Rain Dance is used in battle, the game refers to the rain as downpour (Japanese: おおあめ heavy rain). It is the same as underwater 2, except it does not have bubbles. It depicts diagonally moving fog and uses a unique texture. The names for the unused weather come from the TAYA menu in the German Ruby debug ROM. Most of them have no names the Boarders have no picture, and appear as Youngsters. Ruby and Sapphire contain unused data for several Trainers, some of which are for Trainer classes that don't exist in these games. No sprite exists for the Boarder class, so trainers assigned it default to appearing as Youngsters. There is a "BOARDER" ( 0x2D) Trainer class that goes unused, presumably leftover from the previous generation. Trainer sprite 0x45 shows an early version of the male Aqua Grunt sprite. Unused Trainer Data Unused Trainer Sprites There are unused duplicates of the landmark names for Meteor Falls, Fiery Path, and Jagged Pass. There are also two unused warps in the Lilycove Harbor that lead to an unused warp in Lilycove City, which was removed in Pokémon Emerald.There are two unused warps in the Slateport Harbor that lead to an unused warp in Slateport City, itself leading to one of these warps.The warps lead the player to outside Lilycove City's Department Store. Unused Map Data Mossdeep City Gym Tileset EarlyĪn empty map with only one warp, leading to Lilycove Harbor.Ī Poké Mart with only two warps and no NPC event data.
Pokemon ruby playr update#
This then means that the devs originally planned for the spots to make a return, only to end up deciding against it, all the while forgetting to update Venomoth's palette data. The presence of these two shades of yellow then makes more sense, especially given how a handful of Kanto Pokémon from Ruby and Sapphire were visibly designed after old Generation I artwork, as seen by Machamp lacking its belt, or by Nidoqueen having fangs.

This is, however, explained by the fact that its Generation I artwork depicts it with yellow spots on the back of its wings, a design revision which was even originally planned to appear in Generation II. Rather interestingly, Venomoth has unused shades of yellow in its palette, despite its design lacking this color entirely. 14.1 Placeholder Move Texts and Unused Function.10.5 Pokédex Pokémon Sprite Placeholder.9 Unused and Region-Exclusive Decorations.

This game has hidden development-related text. Pokémon Ruby Version and Sapphire VersionĪlso known as: Pokémon Version Rubis et Version Saphir (FR), Pokémon Rubin-Edition und Saphir-Edition (DE), Pokémon Edición Rubí y Edición Zafiro (ES), Pokémon Versione Rubino e Versione Zaffiro (IT), Pocket Monsters Ruby & Sapphire (JP/KR)