In some versions of the game the first click is guaranteed to be safe whilst some other variants further guaranteeing that all adjacent cells are safe as well. Objective and strategy Ī game of Minesweeper begins when the player first selects a cell on a board. In some versions of the game when the number of adjacent mines is equal to the number of adjacent flagged cells, all adjacent non-flagged unopened cells will be opened, a process known as chording. Flagged cells are still considered unopened, and may be unflagged. Players can also flag a cell, visualised by a flag being put on the location, to denote that they believe a mine to be in that place. Otherwise, the opened cell displays either a number, indicating the number of mines diagonally and/or adjacent to it, or a blank tile (or "0"), and all adjacent non-mined cells will automatically be opened. If a player opens a mined cell, the game ends in a loss. Flagged cells are unopened cells marked by the player to indicate a potential mine location some implementations make flagged cells unopenable to reduce the risk of uncovering a suspected mine. An unopened cell is blank and clickable, while an opened cell is exposed. Cells have three states: unopened, opened and flagged. In the game, mines (that resemble naval mines in the classic theme) are scattered throughout a board, which is divided into cells. Curt Johnson, the creator of Microsoft Minesweeper, acknowledges that his game's design was borrowed from another game, but it was not Mined-Out, and he does not remember which game it is. According to TechRadar, the first version of the game was 1990's Microsoft Minesweeper, but Eurogamer says Mined-Out by Ian Andrew (1983) was the first Minesweeper game. Minesweeper has been incorporated as a minigame in other games, such as RuneScape and Minecraft 's 2015 April Fools update. Variants of Minesweeper have been made that expand on the basic concepts, such as Minesweeper X, Crossmines, and Minehunt. The objective is to clear the board without detonating any mines, with help from clues about the number of neighboring mines in each field. The game features a grid of clickable squares, with hidden "mines" scattered throughout the board. Minesweeper is a logic puzzle video game genre generally played on personal computers.

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A won expert game of KMines, a free and open-source variant of Minesweeper